Partners we are proud to work with

New: Are you insured with Atupri?

If you are insured with Atupri Intense, you can get 75% of the cost for any of our lab tests from home reimbursed - up to an amount of CHF500 per year. All other Atupri customers can also benefit from partner prices - check your Atupri customer magazine to find the code or request it from the Atupri customer service.

How it works

Check your health from home

Order your test kit

Order your test kit

Take your sample from home

Take your sample from home

Send your sample to the lab

Send your sample to the lab

Receive your results online

Receive your results online

Rated Excellent

4.7 out of 5 on Trustpilot

What we do to protect your health & privacy

ISO 13485 compliant quality management
ISO 13485 compliant quality management
All data in Switzerland, secured 
with 2-factor-authentication
All data in Switzerland, secured 
with 2-factor-authentication
Swiss laboratories & 
Swiss doctors
Swiss laboratories & 
Swiss doctors
Available tests
Find the right test
What do you want to test for?
Peace of Mind For Women
360° STD Test for Women
  • Tests for Chlamydia & Gonorrhea, HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis B & Hepatitis C in women
  • Results in 2-3 days, analysis by Swiss lab
CHF 289
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Peace of Mind For Men
360° STD Test for Men
  • Tests for Chlamydia & Gonorrhea, HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis B & Hepatitis C in men
  • Results in 2-3 days, analysis by Swiss lab
CHF 289
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Most common STDs For Women
Female Basics STD Test
  • Tests for Chlamydia & Gonorrhea (Tripper) in women
  • Results in 2-3 days, analysis by Swiss lab
CHF 109
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Most common STDs For Men
Male Basics STD Test
  • Tests for Chlamydia & Gonorrhea (Tripper) in men
  • Results in 2-3 days, analysis by Swiss lab
CHF 109
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Most serious STDs For Men & Women
Premium STD Test
  • Tests for HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis B & Hepatitis C in women and men
  • Results in 2-3 days, analysis by Swiss lab
CHF 199
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HPV Check
  • Checks for HPV, the primary cause of cervical cancer
  • Covers all high-risk and most common HPV variants
CHF 269
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Health Check 50+
  • Screen for common health risks for adults aged 50 and above such as cardiovascular disease and colon cancer
CHF 299
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Health Check Basic
  • Screening for common health risks like cardiovascular risk factors & diabetes
  • Doctor’s report included
CHF 219
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Colon Cancer Screening
  • Screening for early signs of colon cancer (FIT test)
  • Recommended every 2 years as of age 50
New Extra easy sampling
Vitamin B12 Tracking
  • Checks your vitamin B12 level
  • Recommended for vegans & vegetarians due to high risk of vitamin B12 deficiency
Consultation included
360° Allergy Check
  • Tests for 250+ allergens
  • Consultation & eligibility check for immunotherapy included
CHF 649
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Basic Allergy & Hayfever Check
  • Tests for 50+ most common allergens
CHF 259
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New Extra easy sampling
Iron Tracking
  • Tests for ferritin as an indicator for your iron status
  • Especially relevant for menstruating women and athletes
360° Nutrient & Vitamin Check
  • Tests for ferritin as an indicator for your iron status, vitamin B12 and vitamin D
  • Supplements available if necessary based on test results
CHF 189
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360° Fatigue Check
  • Tests for 6 common causes of persistent tiredness like vitamin deficiencies or thyroid issues
CHF 219
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Your Questions, Answered

Which products does Health Yourself offer?

Health Yourself makes routine healthcare services available digitally and from home. So far, we are offering lab tests from home, medication subscriptions and personalised supplements.

How do lab tests from home work?

This is how a lab test from home works:

  1. Order the test through our webshop
    Your test will be delivered to your home within 1-2 working days by Swiss Post in a discreet package.
  2. Activate the test & take your sample
    The delivered test kit will contain all the necessary material so you can take a sample at home and then send it to the lab by post with the included return box. Additionally, there is a code included that you use to activate the test online. This is where we collect all the necessary information for the lab analysis.
  3. Receive your results
    Your sample will be analyzed by our Swiss laboratory partner, Medisyn, and you will usually receive the results online 2-3 working days later.

Who does Health Yourself partner with?

For the analysis of our lab tests, we collaborate with Medisyn (formerly known as Synlab), one of the leading Swiss laboratory service providers. Medical services are provided by the group practice Humanum, and medications are delivered by the Swiss online pharmacy Zur Rose. Additionally, we work with two major Swiss health insurance companies, CSS and atupri.

Are Health Yourself products reimbursed by Swiss health insurance?

In general, our products are not yet covered by basic health insurance. However, we already have partnerships with some Swiss health insurance companies:

  • Atupri Intense supplementary health insurance customers get 75% of test costs up to CHF500 per year reimbursed.
  • CSS customers can order a regularly changing selection of tests at significantly reduced price through the enjoy365 webshop.

How does Health Yourself want to contribute to the Swiss healthcare system?

We want to contribute to building a more patient-centric and more efficient Swiss healthcare system:

  • For patients, we want to make healthcare services more easily accessible to promote adoption and adherence.
  • For healthcare providers, especially doctors, our goal is to reduce resource pressure and administrative burden through more efficient processes, such as medication reordering.
  • For payers, we aim to save costs for the healthcare system as a whole.