Tests für Geschlechtskrankheiten (STIs)

Female Basics STD Test
Der Female Basics Test ist ein medizinischer Test speziell konzipiert für die Probenentnahme von zu Hause. Bei der Probenentnahme entnimmst Du mit dem beiliegenden Teststäbchen einen Abstrich von Deiner Vaginalschleimhaut. Das funktioniert etwa so wie einen Tampon einführen. Deine Probe wird von einem akkreditierten Labor ausgewertet.
Nachdem Du Deine Probe entnommen hast, schickst Du sie an unseren Laborpartner. Dafür verpackst Du das Teströhrchen in der beiliegenden Retourbox und wirfst diese in einen Briefkasten der Schweizer Post. Deine Ergebnisse erhälst Du 1-2 Werktage später online.
Warum sollten Frauen regelmässig einen
Chlamydien & Gonorrhoe-Test durchführen?
Häufigste Geschlechtskrankheit bei Frauen
Gemäss einer Studie des amerikanischen CCD hat 1 von 20 Frauen Chlamydien - oft unwissentlich.
Bis 80% der Fälle verlaufen symptomfrei
In einem Grossteil der Fälle verursachen insbesondere Chlamydien keine Symptome. Der einzige Weg um Klarheit zu schaffen ist ein Test.
Unbehandelte Infektion kann zu Unfruchtbarkeit führen
Eine Aufgrund fehlender Symptome nicht erkannte und nicht behandelte Chlamydien-Infektion kann die Eileiter schädigen und so zu Unfruchbarkeit führen.
Bei rechtzeitiger Diagnose können Chlamydien & Gonorrhoe leicht mit Antibiotika behandelt werden
Mit regelmässigen Tests nach sexuellem Kontakt kannst Du schwerwiegende Konsequenzen wie Unfruchtbarkeit problemlos vermeiden.
Wie verursachen Chlamydien Unfruchtbarkeit?
In der Schweiz sind 3-10% der sexuell aktiven Bevölkerung von Chlamydien betroffen - unter jungen sexuell aktiven Personen sogar bis 13%. Diese Zahl ist über die letzten Jahre konstant. 70% der betroffenen Personen sind dabei Frauen.
Das gemeine an einer Chlamydieninfektion ist, dass über lange Zeit gar keine Symptome auftreten, die Infektion jedoch ahnungslos beim nächsten sexuellen Kontakt weitergegeben werden kann. Besonders problematisch für Frauen ist, dass die Infektion bis in die Eileiter oder Eierstöcke aufsteigen kann und dort durch eine permanente Entzündungsreaktion das Gewebe verändern, verkleben und schliesslich unfruchtbar machen kann - ganz ohne Symptome.
Dr. Robert Döring, Chief Medical Officer @ Health Yourself
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Female Basics STD Test
- ✔️Vaginalabstrich, der bei Frauen auf Chlamydien & Tripper testet
- ✔️richtige Wahl nach Vaginalsex oder Empfang von Oralsex um vor unnötiger Unfruchtbarkeit zu schützen
Add-on Oral Test
✔️Rachenabstrich, der Männern und Frauen of Chlamydien & Tripper testet
Male Basics Test
✔️Urinabstrich, der bei Männern auf Chlamydien & Tripper testet
Was, wenn ich positiv auf Chlamydien oder Gonorrhoe getestet werde?
Mehr zu Chlamydien & Gonorrhoe
Gonorrhoea, also known as Tripper or The Clap. Many people who have Gonorrhoea show symptoms within 2 weeks after contracting it. Sometimes it takes up to several months before symptoms show. However, 50% of women and 10% of men do not develop any obvious symptoms. Thus, many of them unknowingly infect their partners.
The most common symptom you experience? Very unpleasant bathroom breaks, because of pain with urinating and abnormal discharge.
If you have symptoms, these usually show 1-10 days after you contracted Gonorrhoea. Typical symptoms include:
Women |
Men |
In case you experience symptoms, we do recommend seeing a doctor.
Source: NHS, Mayo Clinic
10-20% of untreated cases of Gonorrhoea lead to Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). Together with Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea is the most common cause of PID. PID is an infection of the female reproductive organs. It may ultimately result in chronic pain or infertility. As the symptoms of PID can be mild, you may not be aware of having it until the damage is done.
Unborn child
If a you have a PID and it is not timely treated, it may cause the fertilized egg to nest outside of the womb (ectopic pregnancy). It can not survive there.
When you have a regular pregnancy, Gonorrhoea can cause a premature birth or even a miscarriage. Gonorrhoea may also be passed on to the baby, potentially leading to an eye infection. If untreated, such infection can cause permanent vision damage.
Men are less susceptible to long term effects, but you remain contagious to your sex partners. The most common longer term effect is a painful infection in the testicles and prostate gland. In rare cases this may lead to reduced fertility.
Sources: NHS, Mayo Clinic
In 2019, there were 3.917 cases of Gonorrhoea in Switzerland. In other words: 46 of every 100'000 persons were diagnosed with Gonorrhoea last year. The highest risk group are non-heterosexual men, aged 25-44. Roughly 3'000 of every 100'000 are diagnosed with Gonorrhoea every year. In the past 3 years, the number of infections was booming 📈.
"Thanks" to the Corona lockdown, there seems to be a temporary drop in the numbers of the past few months. Likely this has 2 reasons:
- We cut down on our social lives, so we probably ran less risks
- During Corona, many people avoided the doctor for non-urgent matters
Now that almost everybody is picking up their social lives again, the expectation is that more sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) will be reported.
Risk groups
Gonorrhoea is most often diagnosed with non-heterosexual men, of all ages. In 1 out of 6 cases, the "victim" is female. Almost 1 out of 3 concerns heterosexual men. Gonorrhoea is more widely spread in cities and suburbs, than in the less populated countryside. Especially Kantons Zürich, Basel City and Geneva are risk areas.
Using a condom is reducing your risks of contracting Gonorrhoea by some 80%, so that is not a guarantee to stay clean.
Test advice
We have analysed the numbers of the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG). We have combined these data with research on the spreading of sexually transmitted diseases within Switzerland. With a few clicks we are able to give you a personalised test advice, based on your gender, age and sexual preference.
Are you at increased risk for Gonorrhoea? Find out with our free Test Advisor.
Test Advisor keyboard_arrow_right
Sources: Federal Office of Public Health (BAG), publicly available research
Oral- & Analsex
Can you get Gonorrhoea from oral or anal sex? Yes. Gonorrhoea can be transferred with oral or anal contact. So regardless of who is in the lead, if doggy style and 69 bear no secrets for you, you may have run more risks than you were aware of.
The mouth, throat and anus can't just transfer Gonorrhoea: you can also be infected there. And even in your eyes (!). In your mouth and throat you do not usually experience symptoms. Gonorrhoea in your anus can cause discomfort, pain and irregular discharge. In your eyes you can experience irritation, pain, swelling and discharge.
We offer not just vaginal & urine tests, but also Oral and Anal tests.
Source: NHS
Diagnose & Behandlung
The only way to diagnose Gonorrhoea, is by getting tested. A doctor may decide to prescribe you a treatment without even testing, if:
- You have been warned by an (ex-)partner, who was diagnosed with Gonorrhoea
- You show symptoms
This is a very pragmatic approach and it is at the discretion of a doctor to decide so. If you want to avoid the unnecessary intake of antibiotics, it is worth asking the doctor to test you as well.
If you do show symptoms, but you haven't yet been to a doctor, take action immediately and order a lab test. Usually our lab reports are available 3 working days after taking a test. In case of a positive test (this means: Gonorrhoea was found), discuss your lab report with a doctor. Our lab reports are written in 4 languages, so you can bring them to any Swiss doctor and many international doctors.
Choosing a doctor
If the test showed Gonorrhoea, it takes a doctor to confirm the diagnosis and to prescribe a treatment. Do you prefer to not involve your family doctor? If you are even registered with one in the first place? There are several alternatives:
- Chat doctor, e.g. MiSANTO
- Video doctor, e.g. EE Doctors
- The TelMed services offered by your healthcare insurer
Gonorrhoea is typically treated with antibiotics: an injection in your thigh or buttocks, followed by a tablet. Which exact antibiotics you are given depends on factors like:
- Do you have allergies?
- Are you pregnant or breastfeeding?
- Do your symptoms indicate there might be complications?
No sex!
Don't have sex from the moment you were diagnosed until the end of your treatment, as you are putting your partner in danger. If your partner was infected as well, wait with sex till you are both clean. Some antibiotics require you to abstain until a week after taking them.
Inform sex partners
Gonorrhoea is transmitted primarily through sex. You got it from someone else, who may not be aware of having it. If you had sex with more than one person since your last test, you may have infected them as well. Inform everyone whom you had sex with since the last time you have tested.
It is recommended to confirm being clean with a retest, 2 weeks after you have finished the treatment. Obviously, if symptoms persist a retest is also recommended. If your initial test was with us, you qualify for a discount on your retest. Please contact our Support.
Source: NHS
50% of men and even 70% of women who have Chlamydia don't show symptoms. Many people unknowingly infect their partners. The most common symptom you experience? A text message from an ex, who claim they got it from you or gave it to you.
If you have symptoms, these usually show 1-3 weeks after you contracted Chlamydia. Typical symptoms include:
Women |
Men |
In case you experience symptoms, we do recommend seeing a doctor.
Source: NHS
Untreated Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea are the most common causes of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). PID is an infection of the female reproductive organs. It may ultimately lead to chronic pain or infertility. As the symptoms of PID can be mild, you may not be aware of having it until the damage is done.
Unborn child
If you have a PID and it is not timely treated, it may cause the fertilized egg to nest outside of the womb (ectopic pregnancy). It can not survive there.
When you have a regular pregnancy, the gynaecologist usually tests you for Chlamydia, as Chlamydia can cause a premature birth. Chlamydia may also be passed on to the baby, leading to e.g. pneumonia or an eye infection.
Men do not always suffer long term effects, but you remain contagious to your sex partners. The most common longer term effect is inflammation of the testicles. This can lead to Reactive Arthritis and even infertility.
Sources: NHS, Mayo Clinic
In 2019, there were 12.410 cases of Chlamydia in Switzerland. In other words: 145 of every 100'000 persons were diagnosed with Chlamydia last year in Switzerland. The highest risk group are young women, aged 20-24. Almost 1'100 of every 100'000 are diagnosed with Chlamydia every year. Since the year 2000, the numbers continue to increase rapidly 📈.
"Thanks" to the Corona lockdown, there seems to be a temporary drop in the numbers of the past few months. Likely this has 2 reasons:
- We cut down on our social lives, so we probably ran less risks
- During Corona, many people avoided the doctor for non-urgent matters
Now that almost everybody is picking up their social lives again, the expectation is that more sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) will be reported.
Risk groups
Chlamydia is most often diagnosed with young sexually active people. Sexual preference (straight, gay, etc.) doesn't seem to make much of a difference. 59% of the "victims" are female, 40% are male. Chlamydia is more widely spread in cities and suburbs, than in the less populated countryside. Especially Kantons Geneva, Basel City and Zürich are risk areas.
Using a condom is reducing your risks of contracting Chlamydia by some 80%, so that is not a guarantee to stay clean.
Test advice
We have analysed the numbers of the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG). We have combined these data with research on the spreading of sexually transmitted diseases within Switzerland. With a few clicks we are able to give you a personalised test advice, based on your gender, age and sexual preference.
Are you at increased risk for Chlamydia? Find out with our free Test Advisor.
Test Advisor keyboard_arrow_right
Sources: Federal Office of Public Health (BAG), publicly available research
Oral- & Analsex
Can you get Chlamydia from oral or anal sex? Yes. Chlamydia can be transferred with oral or anal contact. So unless missionary is your one and only position, you may have run more risks than you were aware of.
The mouth, throat and anus can't just transfer Chlamydia: you can also be infected there. And even in your eyes (!). In your mouth and throat you do not usually experience symptoms. Chlamydia in your anus can cause discomfort and irregular discharge. In your eyes you can experience redness, pain and discharge.
We offer not just vaginal & urine tests, but also Oral and Anal tests.
Source: NHS
Diagnose & Behandlung
The only way to diagnose Chlamydia is by getting tested. A doctor may decide to prescribe you a treatment without even testing, if:
- You have been warned by an (ex-)partner, who was diagnosed with Chlamydia
- You show symptoms
This is a very pragmatic approach and it is at the discretion of a doctor to decide so. If you want to avoid the unnecessary intake of antibiotics, it is worth asking the doctor to test you as well.
If you do show symptoms, but you haven't yet been to a doctor, take action immediately and order a lab test. Usually our lab reports are available 3 working days after taking a test. In case of a positive test (this means: Chlamydia was found), discuss your lab report with a doctor. Our lab reports are written in 4 languages, so you can bring them to any Swiss doctor and many international doctors.
Choosing a doctor
If the test showed Chlamydia, it takes a doctor to confirm the diagnosis and to prescribe a treatment. Do you prefer to not involve your family doctor? If you are even registered with one in the first place? There are several alternatives:
- Chat doctor, e.g. MiSANTO
- Video doctor, e.g. EE Doctors
- The TelMed services offered by your healthcare insurer
Chlamydia is typically treated with antibiotics. Which exact antibiotics you are given depends on factors like:
- Do you have allergies?
- Are you pregnant or breastfeeding?
- Do your symptoms indicate there might be complications?
No sex!
Don't have sex from the moment you were tested until the end of your treatment, as you are putting your partner in danger. If your partner was infected as well, wait with sex till you are both clean. Some antibiotics require you to abstain until a week after taking them.
Inform sex partners
Chlamydia is transmitted primarily through sex. You got it from someone else, who may not be aware of having it. If you had sex with more than one person since your last test, you may have infected them as well. Inform everyone whom you had sex with since the last time you have tested.
If symptoms persist, a retest is recommended. People under 25 are strongly advised to retest after 3 months, even without symptoms. If your initial test was with us, you qualify for a discount on your retest. Please contact our Support.
Source: NHS