Always tired? This is why.

Who hasn't experienced it: the alarm clock rings, you can hardly open your eyes and press snooze again. The leaden tiredness after lunch despite an espresso and nodding off in front of the TV in the evening. But what happens when tiredness accompanies you throughout the day? When should you go to the doctor and what are the possible reasons for the constant fatigue?
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) describes the condition of permanently being tired and is relatively rarely diagnosed. Despite little physical exertion, those affected are often plagued by extreme exhaustion. This goes so far that even a short walk or minimal exertion is not possible. Chronic tiredness, on the other hand, is much more common. You can find out more about the reasons for fatigue and what you can do about it here.
Nocturnal breathing problems with sleep apnoea
Sleep apnoea refers to pauses in breathing during sleep. These pauses lead to short interruptions in sleep, but are not noticed by the person affected. The results of the episodic sleep interruptions is severe daytime sleepiness. To check whether you are affected by sleep apnoea, you can easily screen your breathing during sleep from home - for example, with
Anemia due to iron deficiency
Another reason for chronic fatigue can be anaemia or iron deficiency. Iron produces red blood cells. Without these, the blood cannot supply the organs with enough oxygen. Other possible signs of anaemia are shortness of breath or paleness. Women, by the way, are much more at risk of developing an iron deficiency than men because of menstruation - a ferritin lab test - the parameter used to check for iron deficiency - can provide clarity.
Vitamin D deficiency & "Spring fatigue“
Between November and February, the UV radiation in our regions is no longer sufficient for the body to produce its own vitamin D. Low vitamin D levels can lead to persistent sleepiness. In the first months of spring, the constant fatigue is also known as "spring fatigue". The reason for this is not only insufficient vitamin D in the body but also the imbalance of two hormones: serotonin and melatonin. The body needs about two to four weeks to get used to the new season and to establish a new hormonal balance. If the fatigue lasts longer, a visit to the doctor is advisable. You can also check your vitamin D level with a lab test.
Issues with liver or kidneys
Typical accompanying symptoms of liver and kidney diseases are fatigue and a drop in fitness. Doctors often refer to fatigue as the "pain of the liver". Impending kidney impairment is also sometimes manifested by poor performance and fatigue. Both liver and kidney function can be checked with a lab test. If there is reason to believe that the liver and kidneys may be damaged, a visit to the doctor is urgently recommended.
Thyroid malfunction
In the case of an underactive thyroid gland, a deficiency of thyroid hormones occurs in the body. This hormone deficiency slows down all metabolic processes in the body and reduces performance. Tiredness and fatigue are often the result. Affected people often feel low on energy and depressed. An overactive thyroid gland can also indirectly lead to fatigue: When the thyroid gland overdoes it, we sleep poorly. To check if your thyroid is not working as it should, it is best to do a lab test.
Test for common causes of fatigue from the comfort of home
Of course, you can always go to the doctor for advice on fatigue. But if you don't want to or don't have time to go to the doctor, you can also get to the bottom of the causes of your fatigue from the comfort of your own home with our Fatigue Check. The Fatigue Check is a medical test specially designed for home sampling and analyses iron and vitamin D levels as well as thyroid, liver and kidney function. In addition, it checks whether a latent infection in your body is causing fatigue.
How the Fatigue Check from home works
The Fatigue Check is sent to your home by Swiss Post. Your test kit includes everything you need to take your sample at home. First you activate your test online with the enclosed code and then you simply take a few drops of blood from your finger with the help of an instruction video. Use the enclosed Retourbox to send your sample to our lab partner, SYNLAB, with Swiss Post. After the analysis, you will receive your results online after 2-3 days. For you to know what the results mean and what to do to get your energy back, your results also include an individual evaluation and recommendations by a doctor.
Get your Fatigue Check now!
360° Fatigue Check
- Checks for 7 common causes of persistent tiredness
- Includes individual evaluation & recommendations from Swiss doctors
- Take your sample from home, analysis by a Swiss lab